Monday, 21 June 2010

Those were the days...

There aren't many photos of me when I was young, I was a bit camera shy. My brother sent me this one and I couldn't believe it was me!
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My favourite Acer

Early summer and the leaves on my favourite Acer are just pinking at the edges... A beautiful plant that I keep on the top patio in a pot.
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We're catsitting for a fortnight and this is The Cat - Indie, a pedigree Bengali kitten. He's a little vicious and has managed to make me bleed a few times.

As I write he's trying to eat the interface cable of my iphone and scratching my leg. He's made himself right at home here.

He's really a delightfully playful little animal who's persuading us to buy one of his relatives. Or, we could train him to scratch and bite even more so my sister Sandra decides to leave him with us... hmmm!
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