Friday, 29 May 2009

Back to writing - at last!

Standing at the patio doors enjoying the views of the back garden close to the best time in the year. The rhodedendron is just beginning to flower and for two weeks it will look glorious. But then the flowers go and it becomes hard work as I spend a whole day taking off the seedheads. My husband Tim doesn't like the rhodie but I think this little corner of the garden looks delightful. What do you think?
Well I haven't posted in the blog for over a year. I couldn't find it! And me, a worker in the IT industry for over 27 years - I can't get used to how easy it is to publish your life.

Recently I was privileged to be able to read my aunt's diary, written in 1954 - two years before I was born - when she was in hospital being treated for TB, a disease that is rarely heard of in Britain today but back then, and for centuries before, a killer that took the lives of many people.

I have to give the diary back soon and need to write it up. I am also on the last leg of the creative writing courses. I'm doing OK on them, but not getting enough marks to think about publishing yet. Why am I always looking for approval from others?

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